The International Registry of Porto-Systemic Shunts (IRCPSS)

The IRCPSS is a private medical database helping health professionals develop a better understanding of Congenital Porto-Systemic Shunts (CPSS).

IRCPSS is an international initiative, with more than 200 specialists around 24 countries.

The aim of this website is to promote the IRCPSS and to provide ressources for a wide audience, from patients to health professional.

What is the purpose of the International Registry of Porto-Systemic Shunts (IRCPSS)?

Specialized centers around the world are getting better at detecting CPSS cases, but they are still trying to understand the causes and learn which patients will develop signs and symptoms.

Therefore the aim of the registry is to better identify patients who are at risk for developing complications and to offer them standardized care.

First Meeting of Experts on CPSS, 29-30 March 2019 – Paris, France
Second Meeting of Experts on CPSS, 1-2 July 2022 – Geneva, Switzerland

What does it mean for the patient?

No additional blood draws or imaging is required. Only results from routine exams will be entered into the registry. Data and images will be collected at each participating center and stored in a registry and image repository in Geneva, Switzerland.

Data protection?

All data and images collected in this registry are pseudonymised. That means no patient name will appear, only codes, and only a very small number of specialists will have the decryption key. Each participating center obtains ethical clearance to include patients in the registry.

Who can participate?

Infants, children and adults with congenital porto-systemic shunts or a history of a CPSS are welcome to participate.

Participating countries

54 participating centers in 23 countries

Click on a pin on the map below to get more details.

Principal investigator

Prof. Valérie McLin

Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève
Dpt Pédiatrie, Serv. spécialités pédiatriques
Rue Gabrielle-Perret-Gentil 4
1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland

For general or membership questions

Simona Korff, PhD

Steering committee

Maurice Beghetti (Pediatric Cardiology) – Geneva, Switzerland
Dominique Debray (Pediatric Hepatology) – Paris, France
Valeria Casotti (Pediatric Hepatology) – Bergamo, Italy
Grégoire Dumery (Obstetrics) – Paris, France
Stéphanie Franchi-Abella (Interventional Radiology) – Paris, France
Emmanuel Gonzales (Pediatric Hepatology) – Paris, France
Florent Guerin (Pediatric Surgery) – Paris, France
Mureo Kasahara (Pediatric Surgery) – Tokyo, Japan
José Lipsich (Interventional Radiology) – Buenos Aires, Argentina
Virginie Lambert (Cardiology) – Paris, France
Periklis Makrythanasis (Genetics) – Athens, Greece
Paolo Mara (Pediatric Surgery) – Bergamo, Italy
Valérie McLin (Pediatric Hepatology) – Geneva, Switzerland
Yael Mozer-Glassberg (Pediatric Hepatology) – Petach Tikvah, Israel
Anne-Laure Rougemont-Pidoux (Pathology) – Geneva, Switzerland
Laurent Savale (Pulmonology) – Paris, France
Frank van Steenbeek (Genetics) – Utrecht, The Netherlands
Ric Superina (Pediatric Surgery) – Chicago, USA
Mirjam van Albada (Endocrinology) – Groningen, The Netherlands
Barbara E. Wildhaber (Pediatric Surgery) – Geneva, Switzerland

Advisory committee

The Steering Committee is assisted by the expertise of members of the Advisory Committee (AC) which includes experts in disciplines relevant to assessing the natural history of congenital porto-systemic shunts (CPSS):

Olivia Boyer (Nephrology)
Marco Colledan (Surgery)
Mark Davenport (Surgery)
Jean de Ville de Goyet (Surgery)
Catherine Guettier (Pathology)
Hubert van der Doef (Hepatology)
Christian Korff (Pediatric Neurology)
Frédéric Lador (Pulmonology)
Hélène Maurey (Pediatric Neurology)
Aurélie Plessier (Hepatology and vascular liver diseases)
Maxime Ronot (Radiology)

The database

The registry platform is SecuTrial©, a web-based interface which meets the most demanding international security standards.

Database design and maintenance is performed by the Clinical Research Center (CRC) and the University Hospitals Geneva (HUG). The CRC has expertise using SecuTrial© for the design and maintenance of databases and clinical trials.

The image repository is hosted on a DICOM-compliant PACS server located in the data center of the Campus Biotech in Geneva under the responsibility of the Institute ois hosted on a DICOM-compliant PACS server located in the data center of the Campus Biotech in Geneva under the responsibility of the Institute of Translational Molecular Imaging (ITMI).

The institute is affiliated with the University of Geneva and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL).